
The enigmatic world of sharks

The Sharks   Sharks, also called sharks, belong to the order of selacimorphs and came to live with dinosaurs. Such a statement cannot be made with hardly any animal that we know today. Its presence on our planet has been documented for more than 450 million years, although it is true that those are not the same ones that roam the oceans today but rather an evolved version. In the following video you can observe close encounters with this great and enigmatic marine species. Here are some species: Great white shark The great white shark is an excellent hunter. It has about 300 sharp teeth. When hunting, they can dart completely out of the water. Comparison of the great white shark with man Hammerhead shark There are eight different types of hammerhead sharks. The giant hammerhead is the largest, and the crowned hammerhead is the smallest. A hammerhead shark has a very broad, flat head. (hammer shaped) Bull shark Bull sharks, in addition to living in the sea, can also live in freshwat...